• Working in a Trauma Informed Way
  • A training and clinical supervision programme to embed a trauma informed culture in your practice and / or organisation. This includes training and Clinical Supervision.


For more information, Please Contact Us.

We are proud of pioneering and continuing to be the lead Art Psychotherapy provider in the Merseyside region, for people of all ages and backgrounds.


Our offer is through individual / group therapy, and therapist supported art programmes. We provide free, fee based and commissioned services.


We specialise in working with people who have experienced trauma for example, survivors of torture, displaced people, victims of trafficking / modern day slavery, victims of gender based violence and people with historical childhood trauma.

We also offer a tailored therapy service for Fostering and Adoption services through our Art Psychotherapists and Child & Adolescent Psychotherapist team.

Art Therapy In The Community (ATIC)


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‘With thanks to all of our Supporters, Funders and Donors’.

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Website Developed by  NOEL Urbain  @nurbark

SOLA is a Registered Charity 1128459, Company  Limited by Guarantee 6655438

Call us on     (44)  0151 726 8440   or    07832232849         E- mail:  info@solaarts.org

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