We understand the complexity of mental distress and vulnerability. Our team represents the people we support. As shown on the timeline below, we are supporting our communities since 2004, through specialist therapy, interventions, social & development support, skilling up, employability, and integration.
First arts activism with European partners; a visit to Galicia in Spain as part of art activism - working with a local social centre in Galicia through rap, spoken word, mural art, song, installation and performance art to bring awareness to corruption in the elections and to stand in solidarity against the legacy of facism remaining within the region.
A shared creative voice - first group exhibition by artists from refugee and local backgrounds held at Roscoe Street Gallery, Liverpool.
SOLA Arts started partnership with WOMAD festival - sharing the cultures of refugees and displaced people with festival goers, for participants in the children and families activity tents.
SOLA Arts initiated Regular ESOL & Art classes at Toxteth Town Hall, European Capital of Culture, Liverpool; SOLA went through a period of growth by receiving additional funding grants and commissions, enhancing our creative programming.
2009 - 2011
SOLA Arts became a Registered Charity and also a Company Limited by Guarantee.
Working with Platforma - national and regional networks for displaced artists and creatively focused people across the UK.
WOMAD Las Palmas commission
Lifelines - men’s mental health focused programme.
SOLA Arts established Liverpool’s first free Art Psychotherapy in the region supported by The NHS, Public Health, Leeds Metropolitan University and Sheffield NHS Trust.
Began to do Medico-Legal Reports and also Expert Witness representation for people seeking asylum who have made a claim for Asylum or Refugee status.
SOLA Arts set up Festival 31 in Liverpool; using the arts and creativity to challenge racism and xenophobia in order to widen the dialogue around the narrative of refugees and displaced people.
Assisted with Hull Refugee Week - commissioned to support Hull Refugee Network co-produce annual festival exploring the refugee experience and their talents.
Launch of the Transitions project - enhancing our support for people seeking asylum and people resettling in Merseyside.
SOLA Arts began Family mental health creatively focused therapeutic sessions.
First collaboration with European based Arts Therapists and people from refugee backgrounds across Europe.
SOLA Arts began Art Therapy outreach in drop-ins for destitute people seeking asylum around the city.
SOLA Arts began delivery of Art Therapy sessions for Adoption and Fostering services.
Battled COVID through 2020-2021 and found a new hybrid way of working.
Developed new partnerships for mutual aid and reached out to clients with emergency support during the lockdowns.
SOLA Arts continued arts activism and delivered Festival 31 online.
2022 - 2024:
2022: Generations for Change - supporting young Creative Producers from diverse backgrounds.
Van donated by MPAC for mobile outreach; activities & therapy.
2023: Further expanded our programme team and delivery of services.
2024: 20 years of SOLA, a growing Team and wider outreach, dynamic services, looking ahead for our next decade.
Website Developed by NOEL Urbain @nurbark
SOLA is a Registered Charity 1128459, Company Limited by Guarantee 6655438
Call us on (44) 0151 726 8440 or 07832232849 E- mail: info@solaarts.org
Click here to find out about SOLA on Charity Commission
Copyright Since 2004 - SOLA - All Rights Reserved